
[Rhode Island 주] Mount Saint Charles Academy

***** 2011. 10. 21. 15:38
[미국 조기유학, 미국 크리스챤 사립학교, 미국유학]

학교명 Mount Saint Charles Academy
주소 800 Logee St., Woonsocket, RI 02895
웹사이트 www.mountsaintcharles.org
설립년도 1924년
종교계열 Catholic
구분 남녀공학
총학생수 993명
학년 7-12학년
SAT 1,697점
학비 $10,600 (2010-2011)
기타비용 Reg. Fee $100, Books & uniforms $500, Lunches $700, Graduation Fee $245, Bus Fee (in certain areas)
ㆍBlue Ribbon School
ㆍAP courses: English, Literature, Calc, Biology, Chemistry, Env. Science, European History, US History, Psychology, US Government, Spanish, Art Portfolio, Music Theory
ㆍHonors courses: English, Literature, Algebra, Geometry, Trig, Calc, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, US History, French, Spanish, Band
ㆍArts: electives include Art I, II, III and IV, Architecture I and II, Chorus, Drama, Dance, Multimedia
ㆍFacilities: large gym, theater, music complex, Performing Arts Center, state-of-the-art science classrooms/laboratories, two computer labs, library/media center, ice arena
ㆍSports: cross country, soccer, tennis, volleyball, swimming, ice hockey, baseball, golf, gymnastics, track, basketball
ㆍArts: Fine Arts Day, Drama
ㆍClubs: Student Council, newspaper, National Honor Society, RI Model Legislature, Math, Chess, science, cheerleading, spirit week, winter carnival, dances
This school would be a good choice for a student who is academically motivated as well as being out-going and social. Any student interested in the arts will enjoy the many programs offered at this school.
