| | | | 학교명 | Melbourne Central Catholic High School | 주소 | 100 East Florida Avenue, Melbourne, FL 32901 | 웹사이트 | www.melbournecc.org | 설립년도 | 1961년 | 종교계열 | Catholic | 구분 | 남녀공학 | 총학생수 | 355명 | 학년 | 9-12학년 | 교사 : 학생비율 | 1:14 | 학비 | $10,000 (2010-2011) | 기타비용 | Registration fee $550, Application fee $40, Book Rental $350, Uniform(Estimate) $150 | 특징 | - ACADEMICS ㆍ대학진학률 99% ㆍBlue Ribbon School - selected as an outstanding school in the USA. ㆍAP: Computer Science, English Language, English Literature French Language, Latin, Spanish Language, Spanish Literature, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Statistics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, World History, European History, American Government, Mscroeconomics ㆍDual college enrollment courses via Florida Institute- High Tech Education, State-of-Arts Math & Science labs. - EXTRACURRICULAR ㆍSports: Baseball(Boys), Cross Country, Lacrosse, Stingers(Dance), Track & Field, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Swimming, Volleyball(Girls), Cheerleading, Golf, Softball(Girls), Tennis ㆍArts : The fine art program at MCC offers classes in Guitar, Drum line, Drama, Chorus, Ceramics, Drawing, Painting, and Sculpture ㆍClub: Honor Societies, Academic, Service, Leadership, Athletic, Religious, Fine Arts, Practical Arts에 관련된 club들이 있다. - COMMENTS: Community Atmosphere is very good. You can feel the closeness between students and faculty. Class size small enough for students to get attention. | | |